Saturday, October 08, 2005

Darren First Meaningful Smile

Today, we discovered Darren can response with a meaningful smile. From Baby's book, I learned that baby can start smile when reaching his second month. I had been waiting for this moment since he completed his first month.

This was how we discover the first smile: This Saturday afternoon around 4pm, while holding Darren in my arm mimicking human-swing, I was talking to my mom (Darren's grandma) about I can't wait to see Darren response to us with a smile. Immediately, my mom went ahead to ticker his chubby cheek. Surprisingly three of us (my wife, my mom and I) saw Darren responses with a wide smile for the first time. We had seen him smile before, but that was natural reflex when he about to fall into sleep. This was a historical moment and a major milestone for us. This made us totally forget all about his fussiness, and we started to see the fruit of our many sleepless nights.


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