Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Darren's reactions on the new member

When we first brought Jasmine home on Feb 11 2006 from North Austin Hospital, Darren was very excited. He thought we bring home "Curious George", his favorite cartoon character which he watches Mon-Fri 8:00 am.

We knew it, because he always refers to George as "MonMon" which means monkey. The first time Darren saw Jasmine, he pointed at her and kept saying "MonMon". At first he was scare to get closed to the "Monkey", but very soon he became comfortable and started to invite "George" to play with him.....

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Competition is here!

Darren has a new sister on 10/27/2006. Her name is Jasmine.
She is a super cutie now, as the nurses said: Florence is specialize in producing cute babies. Now Darren is no longer the only spoiled kid in house. A competitor has arrived. Let's see the first chapter of human surviving instinct-- fighting for resources (dad & mom in this case) unfold!
