Darren got a light fever after the immunization shots. We decided to gave him fruit favor Pedialyte to hydrate him. And we thought it was a right move. Wrong! We got ourselves in trouble. It only take one taste (1 oz), and this little human being immediately discovered a new alternative other than milk. Now he has a choice! He refused to accept milk and would protest with tears, even it is time for milk, to demand for the same "fruit" juice he had before.
To lure him to take milk again, my wife has to let him have 1 oz of fruit juice before feeding him milk. This worked for a couple of times, but it seem he wanted more. Finally we have to be very firm to let him be hungry until he accept milk unconditionally.
Wow! A classic perfect example of human nature well exhibited in this 4 month-old infant. I think Darren should feel fortunate that he is born in USA where freedom and choice is the backbone of the society.