Monday, September 19, 2005

Fussy Baby Getting More Demanding

My goodness, Darren has becoming more fussy and demanding then ever.

We used to wake up at 1,3 and 6 am to feed him and would spend 20 minutes to put him into sleep. With that he would demand to spend his first 20 minutes in our arms before we could put him back to his crib. That was kinda okay because we had adjusted our schedule and sleeping habbit for that.
But Now, we just realized that his fussiness has just escalated to a higher level. Not only he demands to sleep in our arms full time, he also requires us to swing/make some movement. This baby is getting very hard to deal with... and pushing the limit.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Darrent complete one month milestone.

Darrent completed one month. As a tradition, we should have a celebration for baby reaches one-month milestone. We had a small party at my house today. We invited MingKeit (my cousin) family including his wife Cissy and their one year old daughter KaiLee. Other guests include KokLang's family, Daniel family and two of my my wife's friends.

Instead of quatity and variety, we decided to go with high quality food for this party. So I ordered a tray of babeque Chicken legs from Shalimar (local famous Parkistan restaurant), Samosa from Raja Sweets and birthday cake from ShengKee bakerly. Unlike regular cakes from Albertson, the birthday cake is very special. It has far less fat(cream) and sugar, and it has a layer of chestnut cream in the middle. The most popular dish is actual home made Sambal eggs from my mom, Darrent's grandma. Supply can't keep up of the demand, and even guests request to-go box for the Sambal sauce

Friday, September 16, 2005

Wow, new discovery!

Today my wife and I are very excited to discover Darren can track us with his eyes. I think we are having the MYBIAG (my-kid-is-a-genius) syndrome. Because from a baby books I read, baby only start to track people when she is 2 month old. Our Darren is already doing that now. So either we have MYBIAG syndrome or he is really a smart kid.

To reassure that, we have done several experiments. I asked mom to move around left and right in a random fashion and various speeds, Darren would just track her with his head turning to a right direction! I thought it might be the noise that my wife make that guide him, so I asked my wife just move around silently, and he still tracked correctly!